The Presidential Decision No. 2706 (“Decision”) on the extension of the short-term working allowance for workplaces for which short-term working allowance is implemented due to the compelling reason within the scope of periodic conditions faced due to external effects arising from Covid-19 pandemic has been entered into force on 29 June 2020.
Pursuant to the Decision, for the same employees who have previously benefited from the short-term working allowance, provided that they do not exceed the same conditions and without requiring neither a new application nor a new conformity test, the duration of the short-term working allowance for workplaces which have applied for short-term working allowance until 30 June 2020 (including this date) has been extended for a term of 1 month
- Beginning from 1 July 2020 for workplaces whose short-term working has ended before the publication of the decision,
- Beginning from the expiry date of short-term workingfor workplaces whose short-term working continues as of the publication date of the Decision,
As per to the Decision, payments made due to Covid-19 pandemic compelling reason shall not be deducted from the unemployment allowance period which have been initially determined.
You may reach the full version of the Decision by clicking here.